With latest version 2.8, while fetching the below request, it prints all the data and floods the terminal. It didn’t happen in previous versions 2.6.
data = nsefetch(‘https://www.nseindia.com/api/quote-derivative?symbol=NIFTY’)
With latest version 2.8, while fetching the below request, it prints all the data and floods the terminal. It didn’t happen in previous versions 2.6.
data = nsefetch(‘https://www.nseindia.com/api/quote-derivative?symbol=NIFTY’)
Will kill it in the next version.
I created a issue on your github there is print(output) can you comment it out please
I wrote it. I know if I just comment it out it will work.
But I am outside.
I mean I can do from mobile but if it fucks up for some silly reason I will get thousand gali by morning
Hehehe okay anyways one more feature request https://www.nseindia.com/api/historical/securityArchives?from=02-02-2023&to=02-02-2024&symbol=SBIN&dataType=priceVolumeDeliverable&series=ALL&csv=true
This is endpoint for delivery % data can you create a function for this ?
delivery % data
i did this actually. just hunt around. it was a popular ask for 2-3 months.
this URL does not even open in plain site. i guess it has resource protection and it is the most called URL for entire nse server.
i know brokers like aliceblue whose cto can not code.imagine a novice shooting a while true and bombard nse server endpoints
Zerodha once had did a huge case on a stupid guy who fucked up zerodha server with his fucked up code.glad nse does not do that
Load nse site then try to access this url it will load
That’s fixed in my last update. Update nsepython
It was observed in 2.8. I roll-backed to 2.6 to overcome that prints.
this is fixed in new version
this is a temporary update on new version. will remove