Need description of all the attributes of alice.get_scrip_info?

could you provide the defination of all the attributes of the alice.get_scrip_info output

{‘optiontype’: ‘XX’, ‘SQty’: 55, ‘vwapAveragePrice’: ‘1499.38’, ‘LTQ’: ‘40’, ‘Ltp’: ‘1511.65’, ‘LTP’: ‘1511.65’, ‘DecimalPrecision’: 2, ‘openPrice’: ‘1488.00’, ‘BRate’: ‘00.00’, ‘defmktproval’: ‘3’, ‘BQty’: 0, ‘symbolname’: ‘INFY’, ‘noMktPro’: ‘0’, ‘LTT’: ‘09/09/2022 15:59:32’, ‘mktpro’: ‘1’, ‘TickSize’: ‘5’, ‘Multiplier’: 1, ‘strikeprice’: ‘00.00’, ‘TotalSell’: ‘55’, ‘High’: ‘1520.00’, ‘stat’: ‘Ok’, ‘BodLotQty’: 1, ‘yearlyHighPrice’: ‘1953.90’, ‘yearlyLowPrice’: ‘1367.15’, ‘exchFeedTime’: ‘09-Sep-2022 16:18:43’, ‘PrvClose’: ‘1511.65’, ‘SRate’: ‘1511.65’, ‘Change’: ‘00.00’, ‘Series’: ‘EQ’, ‘TotalBuy’: ‘NA’, ‘Low’: ‘1480.00’, ‘UniqueKey’: ‘INFY’, ‘PerChange’: ‘00.00’, ‘companyname’: ‘INFOSYS LIMITED’, ‘TradeVolume’: ‘4816910’, ‘TSymbl’: ‘INFY-EQ’, ‘Exp’: ‘NA’, ‘LTD’: ‘NA’}

We are not associated with Aliceblue anymore. We are not maintaining the API wrapper. They decided to steal Krishna’s code.

You can see we have removed them from Partner list as well.