Getting the ATM strikes for all the FNO stocks

Hey, I am trying to get the ATM strikes for all the FNO stocks, I’m able to fetch the option chain data using nsepytjon, but some stocks don’t have equidistant strikes.
How should I proceed further?
Screenshot (115)

this should get you the ATM strike for any FNO scrip

import requests
symbol = input('Enter Symbol: ').upper()
option_chain_json = requests.get(f'{symbol}',
                        headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}).json()
ltp = option_chain_json['underlyingValue']
atm_strike = sorted([[round(abs(ltp-i),2),i] for i in option_chain_json['strikePrices']])[0][1]
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The code is giving some error, regarding particular scripts,

symbol = “M&MFIN”
def get_atm_strike(symbol):
symbol = symbol.upper()
option_chain_json = requests.get(f’{symbol}',
headers={‘User-Agent’: ‘Mozilla/5.0’}).json()
ltp = option_chain_json[‘underlyingValue’]
atm_strike = sorted([[round(abs(ltp-i), 2), i]
for i in option_chain_json[‘strikePrices’]])[0][1]
return atm_strike

the json dict isn’t returning the desired value:

{‘underlyingValue’: ‘-’, ‘vfq’: ‘-’, ‘fut_timestamp’: ‘-’, ‘opt_timestamp’: ‘-’, ‘stocks’: [], ‘strikePrices’: [], ‘expiryDates’: []}

IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 atm = get_atm_strike(symbol)

in get_atm_strike(symbol)
7 ltp = option_chain_json[‘underlyingValue’]
8 atm_strike = sorted([[round(abs(ltp-i), 2), i]
----> 9 for i in option_chain_json[‘strikePrices’]])[0][1]
10 return atm_strike

IndexError: list index out of range

I fixed it by fetching data using nsepython, and using the same algo as this.
will post the working function

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from nsepython import *
def get_atm_strike(symbol):
symbol = symbol.upper()
option_chain_json = nse_optionchain_scrapper(symbol)
data = option_chain_json[‘filtered’][‘data’]
ltp = data[0][‘PE’][‘underlyingValue’]
strike_price_list = [x[‘strikePrice’] for x in data]
atm_strike = sorted([[round(abs(ltp-i),2),i] for i in strike_price_list])[0][1]
return atm_strike

def get_pe_ce_price(symbol,atm_strike):
symbol = symbol.upper()
option_chain = nse_optionchain_scrapper(symbol)
for dictt in option_chain[‘filtered’][‘data’]:
if dictt[‘strikePrice’] ==atm_strike:
pe_price = dictt[‘PE’][‘askPrice’]
ce_price = dictt[‘CE’][‘askPrice’]
return pe_price,ce_price

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looks good, you can also you “%26” instead of “&” to get required strikes

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nse_optionchain_scrapper has already have that condition inbuilt.

max([x for x in strikes_list if x < ltp])
This method works for all stocks. Just supply list of all strike prices of that stock(strikes_list) and latest traded price(ltp)

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def get_atm_strike(symbol): #Thanks to Ronit_Hain and Ankit Jain
    payload = nse_optionchain_scrapper(symbol.upper())
    ltp = float(payload['records']['underlyingValue'])
    strike_price_list = [x['strikePrice'] for x in payload['records']['data']]
    atm_strike = sorted([[round(abs(ltp-i),2),i] for i in strike_price_list])[0][1]
    return atm_strike

Added this.

my mobile number is 9938412300
i need the atm strikes and their ltp for all the fno stocks in one go.
can anyone hep me with that
plz call me
i am ready to pay

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“i need the atm strikes and their ltp for all the fno stocks”

Transfer 1K to 9658986525 via Paytm, and I’ll promptly provide the code in this very space.

Note: I’m resolute about not making a call, even with an offer of 100,000 rupees. Additionally, my stipulation is that I’ll disclose the code publicly, right here. :innocent:

There is another quick way @Adithya_K

def atm_strike(n,m):
    a = (n // m) * m
    b = a + m
    return int(b if n - a > b - n else a)

atm_strike = atm_strike(bnltp,100)

Now You need to have this differentiator 100 , which is easy to get. It reduces algo time hugely.