Different IVP and IV rank on different websites

I am checking this page - https://unofficed.com/implied-volatility-analyzer/ which shows different IV rank and IVP when I compare it to opstra definedge and tradeguide.in – so which one is most reliable?
is there any other website you recommend that shows all stocks and index IV rank and IVP?

I made the tool by hand because I have trust issues with every other site. So, it’s reliable for me. Unsure it will be reliable for you or not.

I will recommend that you calculate by hand and tally. IV is a property of options. Not stocks. Yet, We do the Calculation of IV based on various parameters.

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May i know how to calculate the IVP for a stock. Im trying to find this details in internet, nothing gives me any concrete results. Luckily ended up in this forum with the same question in my mind. Im trying to build a automated process which does the analysis for me with various data sources. IVP is still a roadblock for me. Hope I get the help here. Thanks.

IV is a property of a strike price of a stock’s options which is derivatives. There is nothing called IV of stock.

That makes an opportunity for us to calculate it justifying our own methods.

You can read a detailed discussion on IV calculation for Stock here → https://unofficed.com/the-black-76-option-pricing-model/

Sorry, this content was supposed to be in the front. But the current plans of Unofficed is delayed on a scale of nearly 2 years as I shifted my eyes on crypto arena.