AliceBot API Extensions

Login Method:

import requests

payload = {
  "username": username,
  "password": password,
  "twoFA": twoFA

access_token ='', data=payload).text

Powerkill Method:

payload2 = {
    "access_token": access_token,
    "killcake": "NIFTY", #Optional Value. Default is "NIFTY"
    "killcake2": "PE", #Optional Value. Default is ""
    "killcake3": "" #Optional Value. Default is """
powerkill  ='', data=payload2)

It will first check which position symbols has the word “NIFTY”, then it will check which position symbols has the word “PE”. It will refine like that!

All Strategies and Custom functions are online but I will update all rest of the functions later after market or in weekend.